Contribute Online!
Please help us to keep the music playing.
No contribution is too small to make a difference.
Your generous support in any amount
is what sustains us and is greatly appreciated.
Name: _______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
email: _______________________________________________
I/We wish to contribute:
$25.00 $50.00
$100.00 Other $ _____________
The Allentown Band is classified by the IRS as exempt
from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent provided by law.
Please make check payable to:
The Allentown Band
and send it to:
The Allentown Band
1914 W. Greenleaf St.
Allentown, PA 18104-4010
Contribute Online!